ESSAY Magazine (An International Journal of Sexaholics Anonymous)
The mission of ESSAY is to serve as a source of information, experience, strength and hope to sexaholics, both inside and outside the rooms of Sexaholics Anonymous. Our vision is to provide a high-quality “meeting in print” that gathers together members from around the world. It can serve as a portable “extra meeting” especially for loners and for members who don’t have access to many meetings. In addition, Essay serves as an outreach tool to carry the message to those who have not yet found SA. We strive to include a mix of stories and shares from a wide variety of members, including men and women, prisoners, and international members. In addition, ESSAY provides Fellowship announcements and information on subjects such as new meetings, Fellowship events, and our service structure. We hope that all of the articles we publish will offer useful information and provide experience, strength, and hope to all who suffer from the disease of sexaholism. Fellowship actvities such as international conventions, regional events and local events appear in the Calendar section. Each issue has a theme and various sections to share sexaholic stories and practical tools. In addition to letters and group news, ESSAY offers short, edited articles written by members about recovery and our solution. The Practical Recovery Tools section features members sharing on the topic, “Exactly how I did it.” Submissions may also include meditations, poetry, and humor. ESSAY is guided by the principles of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts. Each issue contains the following statement:
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Vor drei Jahren litt ich unter Schmerzen. Es waren die Schmerzen der Sklaverei von der Lüsternheit, die mir große Schwierigkeiten bereiteten und mein ganzes Leben zu ruinieren drohten. Der Schmerz brachte mich in die AS-Gemeinschaft. Dank der AS-Gemeinschaft, meines Sponsors und der Arbeit im AS-Programm verwandelte sich meine tiefe Not allmählich in einen Segen - in ein Leben, das clean und nüchtern ist. Die geistige Gesundheit kehrte zurück, und ich fand eine wahre Verbindung zu Gott.
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Bei meiner Teilnahme an einem 12 Schritte Workshop am letzten Wochenende, hatte ich die Gelegenheit in dieser wundervollen AS-Gemeinschaft meine Erfahrung, Kraft und Hoffnung mit den Freunden zu teilen.
Das Thema, was ich mit den Freunden teilen durfte, war Vergebung. Nachdem Workshop bat mich der Seminarleiter meinen Share für die AS-Zeitschrift aufzuschreiben und Ihm zuzusenden. Ich versprach Ihm dies gerne zu tun. Also hier ist meine Geschichte:
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
In unserem weißen Buch heißt es: "Wir sahen, dass unser Problem auf drei Ebenen lag: der körperlichen, der gefühlsmäßigen und der geistigen." Die Heilung musste auf allen drei Ebenen erfolgen (WB 236). Ich habe es als hilfreich empfunden, an vier Bereiche zu denken: körperlich, mental, emotional und spirituell.
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Bevor ich mich AS anschloss, habe ich so oft versucht, mit meinem Verhalten aufzuhören, aber nichts hat funktioniert, also habe ich mir immer gesagt, dass es keine Genesung gibt, wenn ich Geschichten über Menschen hörte, die in der Genesung waren. Ich dachte, es sei nichts!
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Notre Livre Blanc dit : « Nous avons vu que notre problème était triple : physique, émotionnel et spirituel. La guérison devait se produire dans les trois » (SA 204). J'ai trouvé utile de penser à quatre domaines : physique, mental, émotionnel et spirituel.
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
The first good feeling that I can recall in life was when I was five years old and my father had given me a bottle of Rolling Rock beer. I felt the effect of the alcohol as I sat drinking in a corner. Looking across the room at my father, I was just full of love for him. It was a wonderful feeling.
The next good feeling I remember was around the same time and involved a girl named Nancy who was also about five years old. It was a warm summer day, and I picked little Nancy up in my arms, carried her over to my mother and said, “Nancy and I are gonna get married.” I remember the happiness and joy I felt inside. I would not have that feeling again for sixteen years.
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
ESSAY DECEMBER 2023 - From deepest pain to greatest blessing - Ilya K., Russia
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Three years ago I was in pain. It was the pain of slavery to lust which was causing me deep trouble and threatening to ruin my entire life. The pain brought me into the SA fellowship. Thanks to the SA fellowship, and to my sponsor and through working the SA program, my deep trouble gradually turned into a blessing—into a life that is clean and sober. Sanity returned and I found a true connection with God. I don’t think I would ever have sought God so actively but for the pain and the brokenness that lust had caused me. This amazed me. What had seemed to me my worst misfortune turned out to be my greatest blessing. Isn’t that a miracle?
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
While participating in a Twelve-Step workshop last weekend, I had the opportunity to share my experience, strength, and hope on the topic of forgiveness. After the workshop, I was asked to write down my share for the ESSAY magazine, which follows here:
When I first worked the Twelve Steps a few years ago, I came to the Ninth Step through the guidance of my sponsor and, of course, through the grace of God. After making all the amends (none of them came easily to me) I went to my parents' house one day.