ESSAY Magazine (An International Journal of Sexaholics Anonymous)
The mission of ESSAY is to serve as a source of information, experience, strength and hope to sexaholics, both inside and outside the rooms of Sexaholics Anonymous. Our vision is to provide a high-quality “meeting in print” that gathers together members from around the world. It can serve as a portable “extra meeting” especially for loners and for members who don’t have access to many meetings. In addition, Essay serves as an outreach tool to carry the message to those who have not yet found SA. We strive to include a mix of stories and shares from a wide variety of members, including men and women, prisoners, and international members. In addition, ESSAY provides Fellowship announcements and information on subjects such as new meetings, Fellowship events, and our service structure. We hope that all of the articles we publish will offer useful information and provide experience, strength, and hope to all who suffer from the disease of sexaholism. Fellowship actvities such as international conventions, regional events and local events appear in the Calendar section. Each issue has a theme and various sections to share sexaholic stories and practical tools. In addition to letters and group news, ESSAY offers short, edited articles written by members about recovery and our solution. The Practical Recovery Tools section features members sharing on the topic, “Exactly how I did it.” Submissions may also include meditations, poetry, and humor. ESSAY is guided by the principles of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts. Each issue contains the following statement:
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
"Pero no quiero compartir eso ..." "¡Entonces no te recuperarás!" Esa fue la respuesta de mi padrino a la mayoría de los temores que experimento. No puedo estar sobrio en aislamiento. Tampoco puedo conseguirlo si no lo dejo de estar. El grupo de SA en el que me mantuve sobrio era muy fuerte en el servicio. Ahí es donde me presentaron a "Hospitales e Instituciones". Este es un grupo de sexólicos que hace trabajo de servicio con centros de tratamiento, cárceles, iglesias y otras organizaciones. Formamos un grupo de miembros de SA y llevamos el mensaje al personal, clientes o pacientes.
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Cuando empecé a tomarme este programa en serio y trabajar los pasos con un padrino que trabaja los pasos con su padrino (y así sucesivamente), ha quedado muy claro para mí que nuestro enfoque principal y propósito primordial es el duodécimo paso: llevar el mensaje.
Los aspectos evidentes del duodécimo paso incluyen, aunque no se limitan a: ser parte de la comunidad, compartir de manera responsable y feliz en las reuniones, preparar café o colocar las sillas y, por supuesto, apadrinar a otros a través de los pasos.
Dicho esto, he sido bendecido y privilegiado de tener muchas oportunidades de participar en otro tipo de trabajo del duodécimo paso a través de la insistencia de mi grupo base en llevar el mensaje a un círculo más amplio: a terapeutas, profesionales de la salud, miembros del clero, estudiantes, familiares de adictos y al público en general.
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Cuando llegué a ser miembro de la Junta de Custodios de SA en el verano de 2014, era claramente un recién llegado a este nivel de servicio, pero estaba emocionado de dar lo mejor de mí en todo lo que pudiera hacer para ayudar a compartir nuestro maravilloso mensaje a los sexólicos que sufren.bro activo del Comité SIP. Recientemente puse a disposición de los grupos de nuestra área tarjetas comerciales locales para que los miembros se las ofrezcan a su clérigo, terapeuta, oficial de libertad condicional u otros profesionales de ayuda con los que puedan estar en contacto. Las tarjetas de presentación fueron desarrolladas por el Comité de Información Pública de SA. El comité también hizo estos carteles para su uso. Para personalizar cualquiera de estos, simplemente comuníquese con el Comité de Información Pública: Se le proporcionarán imágenes de alta resolución que puede llevar a la impresora de su elección.
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
My job is to take care of a large property with an orchard, a garden, and a house. A few weeks ago, I found myself in a completely new situation I have never been in before. People with whom I live and work went on their summer vacation for two months. I have been left alone, since then I hardly meet anyone in person. The crucial issue is that I have full access to the internet. I can watch what I want and no one would know. For a sex addict like me who in his SA career had many relapses, it would be a perfect situation to lose himself in the addiction completely. However, thanks to God it's already been six weeks living alone and I am still sober. The day I'm writing down this article is six months of my sobriety. After sharing about my situation at the SA zoom meeting, one friend of mine asked me to write down what really helps me to survive. So, I gathered the tools together in six points.
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Bishops, priests, and nuns throughout the Catholic Church are becoming increasingly aware of SA and supportive of recommending that parishioners with lust addiction contact the program for help. The Europe and Middle East Region (EMER) has recently been experiencing the fruit of focusing special attention on this outreach for the past several years and promoting the sharing of experience among its fifteen intergroups.
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
From the moment I started to take this program seriously and work the Steps with a sponsor who works the Steps with a sponsor of his own (and so on) it has been crystal clear to me that our main focus and primary purpose is the Twelfth Step—carrying the message.
The obvious areas of Twelfth Step work include—but are not limited to: being a part of the fellowship, sharing responsibly and happily at meetings, making coffee or setting up the chairs and of course, sponsoring others through the Steps.
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
When I became a Trustee on the SA Board of Trustees in the summer of 2014, I was clearly a newcomer to this level of service, but excited to give my best to whatever I could do to help share our awesome message to the suffering sexaholic. A Trustee committee that I was asked to be the Trustee Liaison (member of the committee and communicator to the Board)
I was told a bit about the committee. It was explained that the “committee was recently quite inactive and did not have a Chairperson.“ I later learned that an interpretation of that might be, “So you are now the temporary Chairperson, get to work building the committee and replace yourself with a new Chairperson. And by the way, Carl N. might be willing to chair it.”
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
ESSAY August 2022 - Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude - Lilian T., Warsaw, Poland
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
My sponsor and members from my English-speaking home group suggested to me to list the things I am grateful for in my SA sobriety. They probably couldn't bear my complaining any longer, which might be why they suggested it—in an intention to shut me up a bit. My sponsor asked me to cultivate gratitude because by nature, I am so sarcastic, fault-finding, sticking in the victim-role etc. People who are grateful don't have to cultivate gratitude. It's exactly those who don't have it by nature, like me, who have to cultivate and train themselves by hard work.
Thank you for almost four years of SA sobriety (and six years of SA recovery, in particular for:
- contacts with people, a sense of belonging, so dear to me.
- patience with my strong emotions, with my resentments, with my very strong victim attitude-unfortunately long-present in recovery, and probably very tiring for other people (believe me, you can switch the telephone off, and disconnect, I have to be with myself 24/7, it can be hard…)